In order to get started with Roastify’s API, you’ll first need to create a Store. A Store houses all the information for your account, such as your API keys, your orders, and your transactions. In addition to creating an API store, you can also create Wholesale Stores to purchase your products at a bulk discount.



Create a Roastify account

Navigate to the Roastify app and click the Sign Up button.


Set up your first store

Once you are logged in, click the Create Store button and select API Access from the dropdown. Give your store a name and click Save.


Activate your account

Before you can start generating API keys, you need to activate your account. Go to the Account tab and click the Activate button.


Generate an API key

Once your account is activated, go to the API Keys tab and click the Create key button. Specify whether the key is for a Test orLive environment and click Create key. Optionally, you can provide a description for the key. Once your key has been created, make sure you copy it and store it in a safe place. A key is only displayed once, and you will not be able to retrieve it again.


Regenerate an API key

If you lose your API key, or feel your key may be exposed in any way, you can regenerate it by first ‘revoking’ the old key, and then creating a new one. To revoke a key, click the Revoke button next to the key you want to revoke. Once the key has been revoked, you can create a new key by clicking the Create key button.


Start using the API

You can now use your API key to authenticate your requests to the Roastify API. Check out the API reference to get started.