Add New Endpoints

The event catalog shows the event type, event description, and event schema. The event schema is a JSON schema that describes the event payload. You can use this schema to validate the event payload and have an understanding of the types that will be returned.


To begin, specify your endpoint URL. This is the URL that Roastify will send the event payload to. Be sure to select the event type that you are interested in receiving events from. If you don’t specify any specific event type, you will by default receive all event types. However, it is recommended to be specific about the event types you are interested in receiving.


The easiest way to be more confident in your endpoint configuation is to start receiving events as quickly as possible.

Navigate to the testing tab and click on Send Example. This will send an example event to your endpoint. If you have a local server running and would like to receive the event there, you can use a tool like ngrok to expose your local server to the internet. Keep in mind that Ngrok should be used for testing purposes only unless you have a specific use case.

After sending an example event, you can click into the message to view the message payload, all of the message attempts, and whether it succeeded or failed.

Replay Messages

The replay feature exists for two primary purposes:

  1. If your service has downtime and you would like to replay events that were missed
  2. if your endpoint was misconfigured

To replay an event, find the message in the Attempted Messages table, click the more (options) menu, and then select Resend.


If you need to recover from a service outage and want to replay all the events since a given time, you can do so from the Endpoint page. On an endpoint’s details page, click Options -> Recover Failed Messages.