Webhooks from Roastify are essentially just a POST request to an endpoint of your choosing. It is common practice to specify a single endpoint for a single service. For example, you might have a single endpoint for all Roastify events, and a separate endpoint for all events from your CRM. An endpoint URL may look like this: https://www.example.com/roastify/webhooks/

When receiving a webhook, Roastify will send a POST request to the endpoint you specify. The body of the request will be JSON, and will contain information about the event that occurred. It is expected that you send a 2xx status code to the webhook message within a reasonable time frame (~15 seconds).

Since you are receiving webhook events at a public URL, it is important to keep your endpoint secure and perform proper validation upon message receipt. This is commonly done by verifying the signature and timestamp of the message. You can read more about this in the verification section.

Enabling Webhooks

To enable webhooks, you must first create a webhook ‘application’. This can simply be done by hitting the Enable button while in the Webhooks tab. It may take a few moments to create your new webhook application, but once finished the page should refresh and you should find your webhook application portal.
